In the previous article in this series, we moved from a discussion of process metrics to a
discussion of how metrics can help you manage projects. I talked about the use of project metrics
to understand the progress of testing on a project, and how to use those metrics to respond and
guide the project to the best possible outcome. We looked at the way to use project metrics, and
how to avoid the misuse of these metrics.
In this final article in the series, we’ll look at one more type of metric. In this article, we examine
product metrics. Product metrics are often forgotten, but having good product metrics helps you
understand the quality status of the system under test. This article will help you understand how
to use product metrics properly. I’ll also offer some concluding thoughts on the proper use of
metrics in testing, as I wind up this series of articles.
The Uses of Product Metrics
As I wrote above, product metrics help us understand the current quality status of the system
under testing. Good testing allows us to measure the quality and the quality risk in a system, but
we need proper product metrics to capture those measures. These product metrics provide the
insights to guide where product improvements should occur, if the quality is not where it should
be (e.g., given the current point on the schedule). As mentioned in the first article in this series,
we can talk about metrics as relevant to effectiveness, efficiency, and elegance.
Effectiveness product metrics measure the extent to which the product is achieving desired levels
of quality. Efficiency product metrics measure the extent to which a product achieves that desired
level of quality results in an economical fashion. Elegance product metrics measure the extent to
which a product effectively and efficiently achieves those results in a graceful, well-executed
In spite of the usefulness of product metrics, these are not always measured during testing. All
too often, test professionals rely on project metrics. As discussed in the previous article, project
metrics can tell us whether the testing is on target to achieve the plan. However, they cannot
reliably tell us about the quality of the system.
Suppose that I give you the following information:
· 95% of the tests have been run.
· 90% of the tests have passed.
· 5% of the tests have failed.
· 4% of the tests are ready to run.
· 1% of the tests are blocked.
Assume further that we are right on schedule in terms of the test execution schedule. Does this
tell us good news or bad news? It’s not possible to say. If the 10% of the tests which are failed,
queued up for execution, or blocked are relatively unimportant, and the defects associated with
the 5% of failed tests are also unimportant, this could be good news. However, if some of those
tests relate to important test conditions, or if the defects associated with the failed tests relate to
key quality risks for the product, then we could be in serious trouble, especially given that very
little time remains.
So, we need product metrics to tell us, throughout test execution, whether the quality is on track
for a successful delivery. After release of the software, we need product metrics to verify the
conclusions we reached during test execution. We need to include those product metrics in our
testing dashboards. This allows us to balance our project metrics, as discussed in the previous
article, giving ourselves and other project participants and stakeholders a complete view of
project status.
Testing product metrics are typically focused on the quality of the system under test. So, it’s
important to remember—and to remind everyone who sees these metrics—that the role of testing
is to measure quality, not to directly improve quality. The product metrics reflect the totality of
the software process’ quality capabilities and the entire project team’s efforts towards quality.
The software process and its quality capabilities are largely determined by management, and the
test team cannot control the behavior of others on the team with respect to quality, so product
metrics measure attributes outside the control of testing. So, as I’ve mentioned throughout this
series, such metrics should not be used to reward or punish teams or individuals, especially the
testers. If these product metrics are misused, people will find ways to distort the metrics in order
to maximize rewards or minimize punishments. The product metrics will then give a distorted—
typically an overly optimistic—view of product quality status, robbing the project team of the
ability to manage the quality of the product. Disastrous release decisions may ensue.
Developing Good Product Metrics
In the first article in this series, I explained a process for defining good metrics. Let’s review that
process here, with an emphasis on product metrics:
1. Define test coverage and quality-related objectives for the product.
2. Consider questions about the effectiveness, efficiency, and elegance with which the
product is achieving those objectives.
3. Devise measurable metrics, either direct or surrogate, for each effectiveness, efficiency,
and elegance question.
4. Determine realistic goals for each metric, such that we can have a high level of
confidence in the quality and test coverage for the product prior to release.
5. Monitor progress towards those goals, determining product status, and making test and
project control decisions as needed to optimize product quality and test coverage
The typical objectives for test coverage and quality for a product vary, but often include ensuring
complete coverage of the requirements.1 A relevant effectiveness question here is: Have we built
1 Analytical requirements based test strategies have their strengths and weaknesses,
and are best used in a blend with other test strategies such as risk based and reactive. See
my book Advanced Software Testing: Volume 2 for more information on test strategies.
a system that fulfills the specified requirements? Let’s look at a metric related to requirements
coverage to illustrate the process.
When using an analytical requirements based test strategy, every requirement should have one or
more tests created for it during test design and implementation, with bi-directional traceability
maintained between the tests and the requirements so that complete coverage can be assured.
During test execution, we run these tests, and we can report the results in terms of requirements
fulfilled (i.e., all the tests pass) and unfulfilled (i.e., one or more tests fail) using the traceability.
What are realistic goals for requirements testing that will ensure adequate quality and test
coverage? When following a requirements based test strategy, every requirement should be tested
prior to release. It’s up to business stakeholders to determine whether some of those requirements
can be unfulfilled (i.e., tested with known failures) when the product is released. Of course,
releasing a product with unfulfilled requirements, even the less important requirements,
compromises the quality of the product. I will return to the issue of measuring adequate quality
towards the end of this section.
Requirements Area # Reqs % Tested % Pass % Fail % Block
Browsing 57 56 49 7 2
Checkout 28 96 96 0 0
Store Management 77 25 20 5 0
Performance 15 100 100 0 0
Reliability 12 0 0 0 8
Security 22 0 0 0 0
Usability/UI 27 100 48 52 0
Table : Requirements Coverage Table
We can use a metrics analysis such as that shown in Table to monitor progress towards these
goals of complete testing and fulfillment of the requirements. Based on such a table, we can
understand the quality of the product and make test and project control decisions to help us
achieve the best possible test coverage and quality outcomes.2
In Table , you see a detailed table that shows where quality stands on the major requirements
groups for an e-commerce site, and the status of each requirement in each group. Note that this is
not showing test counts; the status of each test has been traced back to the associated
requirement. Based on this analysis, the status of each requirement determined as follows:
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run, that requirement is
classified as tested.
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run and have passed, that
requirement is also classified as passed.
2 Attentive readers will notice that this table is a more detailed version of a
requirements coverage table shown in the first article in this series.
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run, but one or more have
failed, that requirement is instead classified as failed.
· If any of the tests associated with a requirement are blocked (e.g., by known defects, test
environment problems, staff shortages, etc.), that requirement is classified as blocked.
Based on these classifications, what can we conclude from this table, and what control actions
might we need to take?
· Browsing has only been partially tested, and a significant percentage (about 10%) of the
requirements has either failed or is blocked from testing. Browsing being a major feature
for e-commerce sites, we can conclude that many problems remain with the quality of our
site. We will need a much high level of confidence in this feature before we release, so
more testing and defect repair is required
· Checkout, another major quality attribute and typically a more complex feature to
implement, is almost completely tested, and all of the requirements tested so far work.
We can be quite confident that this feature will be ready for release soon.
· Store Management, like Browsing and Checkout, is a major feature, because without it
staff cannot put items in the store, offer discounts, manage inventory, and the like. For
this feature, a limited amount of testing has been completed, and one-fifth of the
requirements that have been tested do not work properly. This feature area needs a lot
more attention, both from the testers and from developers.
· Performance is an important non-functional attribute for e-commerce sites, and here we
can feel quite confident. Testing is complete, and there are no problems. We can feel
confident of good performance in the field.
· Reliability is another important non-functional attribute for e-commerce sites, but
unfortunately we have not completed any reliability testing. Most of the reliability
requirements cannot be tested, due to blocking issues. These blocking issues probably
need management attention, as well as individual contributor attention, to resolve.
· Security is likewise an important attribute for e-commerce sites, and again we have cause
for concern here. No requirements have yet been tested. The test manager will need to
have a good explanation for why this is the case.
· Usability and the User Interface, another important non-functional attribute for ecommerce
sites, are likewise in a troubled state. We have tested every requirement, but
over half of them don’t work properly. Obviously, at this time we cannot have any
confidence in that users can understand, operate, or enjoy our site.
Notice that, because this table is reporting on requirements status, we can translate these metrics
directly into the level of confidence we can have in the system. When test counts are reported—
e.g., how many tests cases have been run, passed, and failed—the relationship to the actual
requirements is unclear, and therefore it’s hard to know what level of confidence we should have.
Are these surrogate metrics or direct metrics? Well, both. From a verification perspective—i.e.,
does the system satisfy specified requirements?—they are direct metrics, and very good ones.
From a validation perspective—i.e., will the system satisfy customers, users, and other
stakeholders in actual field conditions when used to solve real-world problems?—they are
indirect metrics. What does this mean?
On the one hand, if the requirements are good, they should reflect the needs and desires of the
stakeholders. Complete fulfillment of these requirements says something important and positive
about the quality of the product. On the other hand, as discussed in the first article in this series,
we are talking ultimately about measuring our level of confidence in the system. I wrote in that
article that confidence is often measured through surrogate metrics of coverage, ideally multidimensional
metrics that include code coverage, design coverage, configuration coverage, test
design technique coverage, requirements coverage, and more.
The metrics in Table 1 are very useful, especially if they highlight problems. In other words, we
can justly and confidently feel quite concerned about the prospects for our product and the
quality of it if the requirements are known to be unfulfilled. However, the level of confidence we
can have in positive measurements of requirements coverage alone is more limited. You cannot
directly predict the satisfaction of customers, users, and other stakeholders based only on
requirements coverage. In practice, it has proven difficult to develop direct, objective metrics
that will predict satisfaction for software and systems. However, with a good set of multidimensional
coverage metrics, we can have a higher level of confidence in eventual satisfaction.
Product Risk Metrics
We’ve considered product metrics that apply for requirements based testing. How about other
testing strategies?
In the case of risk based testing, the objective is typically to reduce product quality risk to an
acceptable level. Here are two questions we might consider:
· How effectively are we reducing quality risk overall?
· For each quality risk category, how effectively are we reducing quality risk?
The first question is the broader perspective, a question that senior managers and executives
might ask to decide whether to classify the product as on track for a successful release or headed
for trouble. The second question is the deeper perspective, a question that the project
management team might ask to determine which risk categories are progressing properly and
which need project control actions. Let’s start with the first question.
When using a risk based test strategy, each quality risk item deemed sufficiently important for
testing should have one or more tests created for it during test design and implementation. Bidirectional
traceability is maintained between the tests and the risk items so that coverage can be
assured and measured. Furthermore, the number of tests created for each risk item is determined
by the level risk associated with that risk item.
During test execution, the tests are run and defects are reported. We need bi-directional
traceability between not only the test results and the risk items, but also between the defects and
the risk items. In this way, we can report which risks are fully mitigated (i.e., all tests are run and
passed), which risks are partially mitigated (i.e., some or all tests are run, and some tests fail or
some defects are known), and which risks are unmitigated (i.e., no failed tests or defects are
known, but tests remain to be run).3
3 For more information on risk based testing, how to perform risk based testing, and
how to report results for risk based testing, see my books Managing the Testing Process,
3rd ed. and Advanced Software Testing: Volume 2.
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Early Test Execution)
Figure shows a way of graphically displaying all this information, across all the risk items. The
region in green represents risks for which all tests were run and passed and no must-fix bugs
were found. The region in red represents risks for which at least one test has failed or at least one
must-fix bug is known. The region in black represents other risks, which have no known mustfix
bugs but still have tests pending to run.
It’s important to mention that the area associated with a given risk is determined by the level of
risk; i.e., the risks are weighted by level of risk. In other words, a risk item with a higher level of
risk will show more pixels in Figure (in whichever region it is classified), while a risk item with
a lower level of risk will show fewer pixels. This property of risk weighting is critical, because it
means that the pie chart gives a true representation of the amount of residual risk, across all the
risk items. Without such risk weighting, the low-level risks would be exaggerated relative to the
high-level risks.
As noted in the caption for Figure , this figure shows the residual level of risk early in the test
execution. What happens when we monitor the progress of quality risk mitigation throughout test
Figure shows what we would expect during a successful project’s test execution, right around
the late-beginning or middle of that period. The red region—i.e., the risks with known problems
—is growing disproportionately fast as we discover the problem areas of the product. (An
objective of risk based testing is to discover these problem areas as early as possible during test
execution.) The green region is also growing, though, and it will soon start to out-pace the
growth of the red region. Both regions will grow rapidly in the middle of the test execution
period, pushing out the black region which represents unmitigated risks.
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Middle of Test Execution)
Towards the end of a successful project, we see a picture like that shown in Figure . During the
second half of the test execution period, the green region starts to grow very quickly. We have
run all the tests which are likely to find important bugs early in the test execution period (this is a
property of risk based testing), so that few bugs are found in the last half of test execution, and
those bugs which are found are not as important. Testers focus on running confidence-building
tests that are lower risk (turning black pixels into green ones), while developers fix the bugs that
were found (turning red pixels into green ones).
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Late Test Execution)
So, a natural question to ask, looking at Figure , is whether we are done with testing? Must the
pie chart be entirely green? What are realistic goals for risk testing that will ensure adequate
quality and test coverage?
When following a risk based test strategy, the question of adequate test coverage is decided by
the project management team. If the project management team believes that the quality risks
posed by known defects, known test failures, and yet-unrun tests are acceptable, at least as
compared to the schedule and budget risks associated with continuing to test, then we can say
that the risks are in balance and quality risk mitigation has been optimized.
Does this mean product quality is adequate? Maybe. If we have done a good job of identifying
quality risks and assessing their levels, then that reflects the impact (on the customer, user, and
other stakeholders) associated with failures related to each risk item. But also maybe not. Even if
our quality risk analysis is correct, what constitutes an acceptable level of quality risk is
subjective. There’s no guarantee that the project management team’s opinion matches the
opinions of the customers, users, and other stakeholders. However, it’s better to have an
informed opinion on, and to make an educated decision about, product quality before releasing
software. Product metrics allow us to do so.
Now let’s move into the detailed question of quality risk, category by category. This more
detailed view is what project participants typically need. If the higher-level information shown in
Figure shows that project adjustments are needed, this detailed information will allow the
project management team to make decisions about test and project control activities needed to
optimize the level of quality and minimize the residual level of quality risk.
Table shows a tabular presentation of the defects and tests, broken down by risk category. Let’s
assume again that this table reports status for a large and complex e-commerce application
(though not the same project as Table ). Notice how Table ties together important project metrics
for tests and defects with the quality risks. This bridge between the product metric of quality risk
and these two project metrics is what makes this table an effective tool for making test and
project control decisions. Note also that the quality risk categories are sorted by the number of
defects found.
Defects Tests
Quality Risk Category # % Planned Executed %
Performance 304 27 3,843 1,512 39
Security 234 21 1,032 432 42
Functionality 224 20 4,744 2,043 43
Usability 160 14 498 318 64
Interfaces 93 8 193 153 79
Compatibility 71 6 1,787 939 53
Other 21 2 0 0 0
Total 1,107 100 12,857 5,703 44
Table : Risk Coverage Table
Let’s analyze what Table is telling us:
· Performance accounts for the largest percentage of defects reported. While we have run a
large number of tests for performance, over 60 percent of the tests remain to be executed.
Therefore, we can expect to discover more defects in this risk category. We need to make
sure that these defects are being fixed promptly, and that any obstacles to running the
remaining tests are removed quickly.
· Security is the second-leading risk category in terms of defects and also has a significant
number of tests remaining to run. As with performance, we need fast defect resolution
and a speedy conclusion to this set of tests.
· The status of Functionality is similar to that of performance and security, but the number
of tests remaining to run is much larger than for those two categories. Depending on
where we are in terms of test progress (i.e., on track or behind schedule), we might need
to consider ways to accelerate the execution of the remaining tests.
· Usability is in better shape than these first three categories. While a significant number of
defects have been found, the testing is mostly complete. Since we are following a risk
based testing strategy, the most important usability tests have already been run. This risk
category is probably proceeding acceptably, with no adjustments required.
· For the Interfaces category, relatively few defects have been found, and most of our
testing is complete. Assuming timely defect repair and no blocked tests for this category,
we are almost done with interface testing.
· For the Compatibility category, the defect count is low, which is reassuring. However, a
significant number of tests remain to be executed. Some investigation of what is needed
to get these tests completed soon is in order.
· Finally, the Other category is for those defects reported during testing (including
especially reactive forms of testing such as exploratory testing) that do not relate to any
specific quality risk item identified during the quality risk analysis. (Because there were
not specific risk items, there are no planned tests for this category.) If the risk analysis is
accurate, then the number of defects in the Other category will be relatively low, as it is
here. If more than 5% of defects are found by such tests, then the test manager should
determine which risk items may have been missed during the quality risk analysis, and
adjust testing accordingly.
I’ve talked about using this table for monitoring and control. What are some realistic goals?
· The distribution of defects should approximately match the expected distribution, as
predicted during the quality risk analysis. If a particular quality risk category contained
few high-likelihood risk items, then it should be at the bottom of the table, and vice versa.
Unexpectedly high or low numbers of defects indicate a problem with the quality risk
· As mentioned above, the number of defects found which do not relate to an identified
quality risk item should be low.
· Most if not all of the planned tests should be executed by the end of the project. I say
“most if not all” rather than “all” because some adjustments to the quality risk analysis
might result in the deliberate skipping of some tests in order to add tests in other areas.
If problems are found with the quality risk analysis, then, as part of a test project retrospective,
an investigation of why the quality risk analysis was inaccurate is in order.
You probably noticed that this table looks very much like Table . However, the difference is
visible if you drill down into the detailed data underneath each row. In Table , the details are tests
and their results, and the relationship between these items and the individual requirements
elements. In Table , the details are tests, their results, and defect reports, and the relationship
between these items and the individual quality risk items identified and assessed during the risk
Let me close this series of articles by summarizing the key ideas presented in the series.
We have looked at three types of testing metrics: process metrics, project metrics, and product
metrics. Some of testing metrics fit cleanly into one type, while others can span types. The type
of metric you’re looking at can depend on your intended purpose for the metric. You can use
metrics to measure, understand, and manage process, project, and product attributes.
In each of the four articles, I outlined a process for metrics, and illustrated that process with
examples. The process, a variant on Victor Basili’s Goal-Question-Metric process, consists of:
defining the process, product, or project objectives; developing questions about how effectively,
efficiently, or elegantly we achieve those objectives; creating metrics that allow us to answer
those questions; and, setting goals (explicit target measures) for those metrics that indicate
success. When these goals do not indicate success, management awareness of the shortcomings
should trigger adjustments and improvements in the testing, the broader software process, the
project, or the product.
In some cases, the objectives you need to achieve are hard to measure directly. When you find
yourself confronted with such a situation, you can use surrogate metrics to provide indirect
measures, such as using coverage metrics like the ones shown in this article to measure product
A main theme in this series of articles is that these testing metrics are not only nice to have, they
are truly essential for a complete and accurate understanding of the facts and realities with which
you are dealing. Managing without metrics means managing without facts, managing only with
opinion. While certainly expert opinion is essential for management, opinion is not enough by
itself. Metrics help us recognize which of our opinions are accurate and which are misguided.
While metrics are essential, you should remember that the point is quality, not quantity. You
should use a small number of metrics to accomplish what you need. Too many test managers
make the mistake of subjecting their colleagues to a fire-hose of data, which tends to hide the
information within it. Just because something is easy to measure doesn’t mean it matters, and
just because something is hard to measure doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.
Another essential element of successful metrics is consistent stakeholder understanding and
support of the objectives, the metrics, and the goals for testing. A successful metrics program is
built in collaboration with testing stakeholders, not as a defensive reaction against them. In
addition, all stakeholders, including the test manager, must commit to the proper use of metrics
information, avoiding misuse such as using process or project metrics to reward or punish
individual contributors who are generally not in control of the primary factors that influence the
results of those metrics.
Can you put a successful test metrics program in place? Yes, you can. As you have seen in this
series of articles, doing so is challenging, but also achievable. Manage with data, and you will be
a better manager. I wish you the best of success in instituting your own testing metrics program.
In the previous article in this series, we moved from a discussion of process metrics to a
discussion of how metrics can help you manage projects. I talked about the use of project metrics
to understand the progress of testing on a project, and how to use those metrics to respond and
guide the project to the best possible outcome. We looked at the way to use project metrics, and
how to avoid the misuse of these metrics.
In this final article in the series, we’ll look at one more type of metric. In this article, we examine
product metrics. Product metrics are often forgotten, but having good product metrics helps you
understand the quality status of the system under test. This article will help you understand how
to use product metrics properly. I’ll also offer some concluding thoughts on the proper use of
metrics in testing, as I wind up this series of articles.
The Uses of Product Metrics
As I wrote above, product metrics help us understand the current quality status of the system
under testing. Good testing allows us to measure the quality and the quality risk in a system, but
we need proper product metrics to capture those measures. These product metrics provide the
insights to guide where product improvements should occur, if the quality is not where it should
be (e.g., given the current point on the schedule). As mentioned in the first article in this series,
we can talk about metrics as relevant to effectiveness, efficiency, and elegance.
Effectiveness product metrics measure the extent to which the product is achieving desired levels
of quality. Efficiency product metrics measure the extent to which a product achieves that desired
level of quality results in an economical fashion. Elegance product metrics measure the extent to
which a product effectively and efficiently achieves those results in a graceful, well-executed
In spite of the usefulness of product metrics, these are not always measured during testing. All
too often, test professionals rely on project metrics. As discussed in the previous article, project
metrics can tell us whether the testing is on target to achieve the plan. However, they cannot
reliably tell us about the quality of the system.
Suppose that I give you the following information:
· 95% of the tests have been run.
· 90% of the tests have passed.
· 5% of the tests have failed.
· 4% of the tests are ready to run.
· 1% of the tests are blocked.
Assume further that we are right on schedule in terms of the test execution schedule. Does this
tell us good news or bad news? It’s not possible to say. If the 10% of the tests which are failed,
queued up for execution, or blocked are relatively unimportant, and the defects associated with
the 5% of failed tests are also unimportant, this could be good news. However, if some of those
tests relate to important test conditions, or if the defects associated with the failed tests relate to
key quality risks for the product, then we could be in serious trouble, especially given that very
little time remains.
So, we need product metrics to tell us, throughout test execution, whether the quality is on track
for a successful delivery. After release of the software, we need product metrics to verify the
conclusions we reached during test execution. We need to include those product metrics in our
testing dashboards. This allows us to balance our project metrics, as discussed in the previous
article, giving ourselves and other project participants and stakeholders a complete view of
project status.
Testing product metrics are typically focused on the quality of the system under test. So, it’s
important to remember—and to remind everyone who sees these metrics—that the role of testing
is to measure quality, not to directly improve quality. The product metrics reflect the totality of
the software process’ quality capabilities and the entire project team’s efforts towards quality.
The software process and its quality capabilities are largely determined by management, and the
test team cannot control the behavior of others on the team with respect to quality, so product
metrics measure attributes outside the control of testing. So, as I’ve mentioned throughout this
series, such metrics should not be used to reward or punish teams or individuals, especially the
testers. If these product metrics are misused, people will find ways to distort the metrics in order
to maximize rewards or minimize punishments. The product metrics will then give a distorted—
typically an overly optimistic—view of product quality status, robbing the project team of the
ability to manage the quality of the product. Disastrous release decisions may ensue.
Developing Good Product Metrics
In the first article in this series, I explained a process for defining good metrics. Let’s review that
process here, with an emphasis on product metrics:
1. Define test coverage and quality-related objectives for the product.
2. Consider questions about the effectiveness, efficiency, and elegance with which the
product is achieving those objectives.
3. Devise measurable metrics, either direct or surrogate, for each effectiveness, efficiency,
and elegance question.
4. Determine realistic goals for each metric, such that we can have a high level of
confidence in the quality and test coverage for the product prior to release.
5. Monitor progress towards those goals, determining product status, and making test and
project control decisions as needed to optimize product quality and test coverage
The typical objectives for test coverage and quality for a product vary, but often include ensuring
complete coverage of the requirements.1 A relevant effectiveness question here is: Have we built
1 Analytical requirements based test strategies have their strengths and weaknesses,
and are best used in a blend with other test strategies such as risk based and reactive. See
my book Advanced Software Testing: Volume 2 for more information on test strategies.
a system that fulfills the specified requirements? Let’s look at a metric related to requirements
coverage to illustrate the process.
When using an analytical requirements based test strategy, every requirement should have one or
more tests created for it during test design and implementation, with bi-directional traceability
maintained between the tests and the requirements so that complete coverage can be assured.
During test execution, we run these tests, and we can report the results in terms of requirements
fulfilled (i.e., all the tests pass) and unfulfilled (i.e., one or more tests fail) using the traceability.
What are realistic goals for requirements testing that will ensure adequate quality and test
coverage? When following a requirements based test strategy, every requirement should be tested
prior to release. It’s up to business stakeholders to determine whether some of those requirements
can be unfulfilled (i.e., tested with known failures) when the product is released. Of course,
releasing a product with unfulfilled requirements, even the less important requirements,
compromises the quality of the product. I will return to the issue of measuring adequate quality
towards the end of this section.
Requirements Area # Reqs % Tested % Pass % Fail % Block
Browsing 57 56 49 7 2
Checkout 28 96 96 0 0
Store Management 77 25 20 5 0
Performance 15 100 100 0 0
Reliability 12 0 0 0 8
Security 22 0 0 0 0
Usability/UI 27 100 48 52 0
Table : Requirements Coverage Table
We can use a metrics analysis such as that shown in Table to monitor progress towards these
goals of complete testing and fulfillment of the requirements. Based on such a table, we can
understand the quality of the product and make test and project control decisions to help us
achieve the best possible test coverage and quality outcomes.2
In Table , you see a detailed table that shows where quality stands on the major requirements
groups for an e-commerce site, and the status of each requirement in each group. Note that this is
not showing test counts; the status of each test has been traced back to the associated
requirement. Based on this analysis, the status of each requirement determined as follows:
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run, that requirement is
classified as tested.
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run and have passed, that
requirement is also classified as passed.
2 Attentive readers will notice that this table is a more detailed version of a
requirements coverage table shown in the first article in this series.
· If all of the tests associated with the requirement have been run, but one or more have
failed, that requirement is instead classified as failed.
· If any of the tests associated with a requirement are blocked (e.g., by known defects, test
environment problems, staff shortages, etc.), that requirement is classified as blocked.
Based on these classifications, what can we conclude from this table, and what control actions
might we need to take?
· Browsing has only been partially tested, and a significant percentage (about 10%) of the
requirements has either failed or is blocked from testing. Browsing being a major feature
for e-commerce sites, we can conclude that many problems remain with the quality of our
site. We will need a much high level of confidence in this feature before we release, so
more testing and defect repair is required
· Checkout, another major quality attribute and typically a more complex feature to
implement, is almost completely tested, and all of the requirements tested so far work.
We can be quite confident that this feature will be ready for release soon.
· Store Management, like Browsing and Checkout, is a major feature, because without it
staff cannot put items in the store, offer discounts, manage inventory, and the like. For
this feature, a limited amount of testing has been completed, and one-fifth of the
requirements that have been tested do not work properly. This feature area needs a lot
more attention, both from the testers and from developers.
· Performance is an important non-functional attribute for e-commerce sites, and here we
can feel quite confident. Testing is complete, and there are no problems. We can feel
confident of good performance in the field.
· Reliability is another important non-functional attribute for e-commerce sites, but
unfortunately we have not completed any reliability testing. Most of the reliability
requirements cannot be tested, due to blocking issues. These blocking issues probably
need management attention, as well as individual contributor attention, to resolve.
· Security is likewise an important attribute for e-commerce sites, and again we have cause
for concern here. No requirements have yet been tested. The test manager will need to
have a good explanation for why this is the case.
· Usability and the User Interface, another important non-functional attribute for ecommerce
sites, are likewise in a troubled state. We have tested every requirement, but
over half of them don’t work properly. Obviously, at this time we cannot have any
confidence in that users can understand, operate, or enjoy our site.
Notice that, because this table is reporting on requirements status, we can translate these metrics
directly into the level of confidence we can have in the system. When test counts are reported—
e.g., how many tests cases have been run, passed, and failed—the relationship to the actual
requirements is unclear, and therefore it’s hard to know what level of confidence we should have.
Are these surrogate metrics or direct metrics? Well, both. From a verification perspective—i.e.,
does the system satisfy specified requirements?—they are direct metrics, and very good ones.
From a validation perspective—i.e., will the system satisfy customers, users, and other
stakeholders in actual field conditions when used to solve real-world problems?—they are
indirect metrics. What does this mean?
On the one hand, if the requirements are good, they should reflect the needs and desires of the
stakeholders. Complete fulfillment of these requirements says something important and positive
about the quality of the product. On the other hand, as discussed in the first article in this series,
we are talking ultimately about measuring our level of confidence in the system. I wrote in that
article that confidence is often measured through surrogate metrics of coverage, ideally multidimensional
metrics that include code coverage, design coverage, configuration coverage, test
design technique coverage, requirements coverage, and more.
The metrics in Table 1 are very useful, especially if they highlight problems. In other words, we
can justly and confidently feel quite concerned about the prospects for our product and the
quality of it if the requirements are known to be unfulfilled. However, the level of confidence we
can have in positive measurements of requirements coverage alone is more limited. You cannot
directly predict the satisfaction of customers, users, and other stakeholders based only on
requirements coverage. In practice, it has proven difficult to develop direct, objective metrics
that will predict satisfaction for software and systems. However, with a good set of multidimensional
coverage metrics, we can have a higher level of confidence in eventual satisfaction.
Product Risk Metrics
We’ve considered product metrics that apply for requirements based testing. How about other
testing strategies?
In the case of risk based testing, the objective is typically to reduce product quality risk to an
acceptable level. Here are two questions we might consider:
· How effectively are we reducing quality risk overall?
· For each quality risk category, how effectively are we reducing quality risk?
The first question is the broader perspective, a question that senior managers and executives
might ask to decide whether to classify the product as on track for a successful release or headed
for trouble. The second question is the deeper perspective, a question that the project
management team might ask to determine which risk categories are progressing properly and
which need project control actions. Let’s start with the first question.
When using a risk based test strategy, each quality risk item deemed sufficiently important for
testing should have one or more tests created for it during test design and implementation. Bidirectional
traceability is maintained between the tests and the risk items so that coverage can be
assured and measured. Furthermore, the number of tests created for each risk item is determined
by the level risk associated with that risk item.
During test execution, the tests are run and defects are reported. We need bi-directional
traceability between not only the test results and the risk items, but also between the defects and
the risk items. In this way, we can report which risks are fully mitigated (i.e., all tests are run and
passed), which risks are partially mitigated (i.e., some or all tests are run, and some tests fail or
some defects are known), and which risks are unmitigated (i.e., no failed tests or defects are
known, but tests remain to be run).3
3 For more information on risk based testing, how to perform risk based testing, and
how to report results for risk based testing, see my books Managing the Testing Process,
3rd ed. and Advanced Software Testing: Volume 2.
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Early Test Execution)
Figure shows a way of graphically displaying all this information, across all the risk items. The
region in green represents risks for which all tests were run and passed and no must-fix bugs
were found. The region in red represents risks for which at least one test has failed or at least one
must-fix bug is known. The region in black represents other risks, which have no known mustfix
bugs but still have tests pending to run.
It’s important to mention that the area associated with a given risk is determined by the level of
risk; i.e., the risks are weighted by level of risk. In other words, a risk item with a higher level of
risk will show more pixels in Figure (in whichever region it is classified), while a risk item with
a lower level of risk will show fewer pixels. This property of risk weighting is critical, because it
means that the pie chart gives a true representation of the amount of residual risk, across all the
risk items. Without such risk weighting, the low-level risks would be exaggerated relative to the
high-level risks.
As noted in the caption for Figure , this figure shows the residual level of risk early in the test
execution. What happens when we monitor the progress of quality risk mitigation throughout test
Figure shows what we would expect during a successful project’s test execution, right around
the late-beginning or middle of that period. The red region—i.e., the risks with known problems
—is growing disproportionately fast as we discover the problem areas of the product. (An
objective of risk based testing is to discover these problem areas as early as possible during test
execution.) The green region is also growing, though, and it will soon start to out-pace the
growth of the red region. Both regions will grow rapidly in the middle of the test execution
period, pushing out the black region which represents unmitigated risks.
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Middle of Test Execution)
Towards the end of a successful project, we see a picture like that shown in Figure . During the
second half of the test execution period, the green region starts to grow very quickly. We have
run all the tests which are likely to find important bugs early in the test execution period (this is a
property of risk based testing), so that few bugs are found in the last half of test execution, and
those bugs which are found are not as important. Testers focus on running confidence-building
tests that are lower risk (turning black pixels into green ones), while developers fix the bugs that
were found (turning red pixels into green ones).
Figure : Quality Risk Status (Late Test Execution)
So, a natural question to ask, looking at Figure , is whether we are done with testing? Must the
pie chart be entirely green? What are realistic goals for risk testing that will ensure adequate
quality and test coverage?
When following a risk based test strategy, the question of adequate test coverage is decided by
the project management team. If the project management team believes that the quality risks
posed by known defects, known test failures, and yet-unrun tests are acceptable, at least as
compared to the schedule and budget risks associated with continuing to test, then we can say
that the risks are in balance and quality risk mitigation has been optimized.
Does this mean product quality is adequate? Maybe. If we have done a good job of identifying
quality risks and assessing their levels, then that reflects the impact (on the customer, user, and
other stakeholders) associated with failures related to each risk item. But also maybe not. Even if
our quality risk analysis is correct, what constitutes an acceptable level of quality risk is
subjective. There’s no guarantee that the project management team’s opinion matches the
opinions of the customers, users, and other stakeholders. However, it’s better to have an
informed opinion on, and to make an educated decision about, product quality before releasing
software. Product metrics allow us to do so.
Now let’s move into the detailed question of quality risk, category by category. This more
detailed view is what project participants typically need. If the higher-level information shown in
Figure shows that project adjustments are needed, this detailed information will allow the
project management team to make decisions about test and project control activities needed to
optimize the level of quality and minimize the residual level of quality risk.
Table shows a tabular presentation of the defects and tests, broken down by risk category. Let’s
assume again that this table reports status for a large and complex e-commerce application
(though not the same project as Table ). Notice how Table ties together important project metrics
for tests and defects with the quality risks. This bridge between the product metric of quality risk
and these two project metrics is what makes this table an effective tool for making test and
project control decisions. Note also that the quality risk categories are sorted by the number of
defects found.
Defects Tests
Quality Risk Category # % Planned Executed %
Performance 304 27 3,843 1,512 39
Security 234 21 1,032 432 42
Functionality 224 20 4,744 2,043 43
Usability 160 14 498 318 64
Interfaces 93 8 193 153 79
Compatibility 71 6 1,787 939 53
Other 21 2 0 0 0
Total 1,107 100 12,857 5,703 44
Table : Risk Coverage Table
Let’s analyze what Table is telling us:
· Performance accounts for the largest percentage of defects reported. While we have run a
large number of tests for performance, over 60 percent of the tests remain to be executed.
Therefore, we can expect to discover more defects in this risk category. We need to make
sure that these defects are being fixed promptly, and that any obstacles to running the
remaining tests are removed quickly.
· Security is the second-leading risk category in terms of defects and also has a significant
number of tests remaining to run. As with performance, we need fast defect resolution
and a speedy conclusion to this set of tests.
· The status of Functionality is similar to that of performance and security, but the number
of tests remaining to run is much larger than for those two categories. Depending on
where we are in terms of test progress (i.e., on track or behind schedule), we might need
to consider ways to accelerate the execution of the remaining tests.
· Usability is in better shape than these first three categories. While a significant number of
defects have been found, the testing is mostly complete. Since we are following a risk
based testing strategy, the most important usability tests have already been run. This risk
category is probably proceeding acceptably, with no adjustments required.
· For the Interfaces category, relatively few defects have been found, and most of our
testing is complete. Assuming timely defect repair and no blocked tests for this category,
we are almost done with interface testing.
· For the Compatibility category, the defect count is low, which is reassuring. However, a
significant number of tests remain to be executed. Some investigation of what is needed
to get these tests completed soon is in order.
· Finally, the Other category is for those defects reported during testing (including
especially reactive forms of testing such as exploratory testing) that do not relate to any
specific quality risk item identified during the quality risk analysis. (Because there were
not specific risk items, there are no planned tests for this category.) If the risk analysis is
accurate, then the number of defects in the Other category will be relatively low, as it is
here. If more than 5% of defects are found by such tests, then the test manager should
determine which risk items may have been missed during the quality risk analysis, and
adjust testing accordingly.
I’ve talked about using this table for monitoring and control. What are some realistic goals?
· The distribution of defects should approximately match the expected distribution, as
predicted during the quality risk analysis. If a particular quality risk category contained
few high-likelihood risk items, then it should be at the bottom of the table, and vice versa.
Unexpectedly high or low numbers of defects indicate a problem with the quality risk
· As mentioned above, the number of defects found which do not relate to an identified
quality risk item should be low.
· Most if not all of the planned tests should be executed by the end of the project. I say
“most if not all” rather than “all” because some adjustments to the quality risk analysis
might result in the deliberate skipping of some tests in order to add tests in other areas.
If problems are found with the quality risk analysis, then, as part of a test project retrospective,
an investigation of why the quality risk analysis was inaccurate is in order.
You probably noticed that this table looks very much like Table . However, the difference is
visible if you drill down into the detailed data underneath each row. In Table , the details are tests
and their results, and the relationship between these items and the individual requirements
elements. In Table , the details are tests, their results, and defect reports, and the relationship
between these items and the individual quality risk items identified and assessed during the risk
Let me close this series of articles by summarizing the key ideas presented in the series.
We have looked at three types of testing metrics: process metrics, project metrics, and product
metrics. Some of testing metrics fit cleanly into one type, while others can span types. The type
of metric you’re looking at can depend on your intended purpose for the metric. You can use
metrics to measure, understand, and manage process, project, and product attributes.
In each of the four articles, I outlined a process for metrics, and illustrated that process with
examples. The process, a variant on Victor Basili’s Goal-Question-Metric process, consists of:
defining the process, product, or project objectives; developing questions about how effectively,
efficiently, or elegantly we achieve those objectives; creating metrics that allow us to answer
those questions; and, setting goals (explicit target measures) for those metrics that indicate
success. When these goals do not indicate success, management awareness of the shortcomings
should trigger adjustments and improvements in the testing, the broader software process, the
project, or the product.
In some cases, the objectives you need to achieve are hard to measure directly. When you find
yourself confronted with such a situation, you can use surrogate metrics to provide indirect
measures, such as using coverage metrics like the ones shown in this article to measure product
A main theme in this series of articles is that these testing metrics are not only nice to have, they
are truly essential for a complete and accurate understanding of the facts and realities with which
you are dealing. Managing without metrics means managing without facts, managing only with
opinion. While certainly expert opinion is essential for management, opinion is not enough by
itself. Metrics help us recognize which of our opinions are accurate and which are misguided.
While metrics are essential, you should remember that the point is quality, not quantity. You
should use a small number of metrics to accomplish what you need. Too many test managers
make the mistake of subjecting their colleagues to a fire-hose of data, which tends to hide the
information within it. Just because something is easy to measure doesn’t mean it matters, and
just because something is hard to measure doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.
Another essential element of successful metrics is consistent stakeholder understanding and
support of the objectives, the metrics, and the goals for testing. A successful metrics program is
built in collaboration with testing stakeholders, not as a defensive reaction against them. In
addition, all stakeholders, including the test manager, must commit to the proper use of metrics
information, avoiding misuse such as using process or project metrics to reward or punish
individual contributors who are generally not in control of the primary factors that influence the
results of those metrics.
Can you put a successful test metrics program in place? Yes, you can. As you have seen in this
series of articles, doing so is challenging, but also achievable. Manage with data, and you will be
a better manager. I wish you the best of success in instituting your own testing metrics program.
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