No, wait…
This is good, right? Clean software is the goal. Alright, cool, we rock! Looks like we’re deploying to prod tomorrow morning…just one more test…Dammit! I just found a problem! I hate finding problems at the final hour. Oh chee!!
No, wait…
This is good, right? Better to have caught it in QA today than in prod tomorrow. That’s what they pay me for. Hey, here’s another bug! And another! I rock. I just found the mother load of bugs. This is awesome!!!
No, wait…
This is bad, right? We’re either going to have to work late or delay tomorrow’s prod release. I totally should have caught these problems earlier; it would have been so much cheaper. Oh God.
What’s that? The product owners are rejecting my bugs? Really? How humiliating. I hate when my bugs get rejected!
No, wait…
This is good, right? It’s great that my bugs got rejected. Now I don’t have to retest everything.
No, wait…I want to retest everything.
No, wait…maybe I don’t.